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UltiBase & UltiLegs

Have you ever thought about building a big magic illusion but didn't dare because you don't think you can, that it is expensive or not really know which illusion you would like to build? then you should definitely take a look at this book.

This book is for EVERYONE who wants to build or build props / illusions etc, it contains complete building descriptions on a platform developed by Perero, and which is now finally in print.

The platform is very versatile with different types of legs, and many smart but simple solutions where you can customize it to your own liking. Professional, simple and inexpensive to build and hugely versatile.

There will be drawings on many different types of illusions for this platform going forward

Currently, there are Crystal Casket, Phantom Cargo Cage, Un Jamed, and a shadow illusion ... price per attachment with drawings and descriptions is 6-16USD depending on how complex the illusions are. Contact Perero via the contact page for more info

UltiBase&UltiLegs by Perero


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