Here you find information about showformats that Perero offer, the most popular one is 'Office Party Deluxe' that fits every possible event, and you can alter the show and present the CEO or a product and so on.

Office Party
A perfect mix of Magic and Comedy, you never know whats going to happen, ou can present a company product in a funny way, or mess with the CEO and os on...

Office Party Deluxe
This is the biggest show Perero offer, all included from Office Party show but here is some light and sound demands.

The smaller party
The mix that fits the smaller party with more close up magic, smaller or no stage at all. Includes parts from 'Office Party'.
Did you know that Pereros is called Norrlands Tommy Cooper by newspapers,All thanx to Staffan Ling that formed the character and after a lot of restaurant shows.